I thought I'd pass along a warning to people who sell on ebay. I know this happens because it's happened several times to my sister, same thing happening every time... (it happened three times with the same laptop that she was trying to sell)
A 'new' ebayer will bid on a computer (and some other electronics), bidding unbelievably high amounts. They claim they live in the US (the address and phone number are fake and half the time the area code of the phone number doesn't match the location of the address). They want you to send the computer to a country other than the US, claiming its a gift for someone. They fake paypal payment emails to the seller, in the hopes that the seller will just assume that the item is paid for. Some will even offer their preferred shipper's account and offer to schedule a pick up. This way, you don't need to access your paypal account to withdrawl the money for shipping.
Usually, within hours sometimes days, this user is no longer a member of ebay, and if you ship out the computer, you've just lost a lot of money.
My sister had this happen three times with her laptop that she was trying to sell. What tipped her off is that the supposed American wanted her to ship the laptop to Nigeria... which seems to be scam central these days. Thankfully, she looked into things before agreeing, and when she emailed the guy about how fishy everything seemed, he disappeared from ebay and stopped answering emails.
In short... Be wary of anyone bidding an outrageous amount for your item... Be wary of anyone who wants the product shipped out of country. Always check your paypal account directly to make sure you've received your money. And if things don't seem right, do a little investigating.
Hope this helps keep someone from getting taken.