Sorry I haven't been around again... its been very hard for me lately...
Since formatting my computer, I found out my 3 year old qualified to start Head Start this fall (preschool). So I've been attending appointments, and getting her ready for that.
Also, my sister had a beatitful baby boy on May 30th, and my sister, her boyfriend and all the kids would come over all the time to hang out.
Then our car broke down... costing us about $500 and about 3 weeks without a car.
Recently I was babysitting my sister's kids... her soon to be 6 year old daughter and 1 1/2 month old son. I'd watch them while her and her boyfriend both worked.
Then, late Monday night/early Tuesday morning... the unthinkable happened. My 8 week old nephew passed away due to SIDS. We've all been coping with the loss the past few days.
On top of everything else.... I turn 30 on Sunday... Its been a nightmare of a month for me.
Hope everyone else is doing well. I'll be in and out for about the next week, then I should be back full time again.