Derek Moeller

Derek Moeller


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Warning to importers of branded clothing from China
Does the same apply to hard stock (i.e. Disney)? If I were to purchase 3 Kmart overstocked pallets from say... JD Wholesale and one of the pallets carried a lot of Disney soft stock and...
Importing & Customs • July 19, 2007
Where do I get Product Thumbnails for drop shipping?
Thank you, both for being so quick to respond. I appreciate your efforts greatly. Derek
Where do I get Product Thumbnails for drop shipping?
Thanks for replying Jimmy, it's crossed my mind but aren't stock photos copyrite? What about the droppship wholesaler's, do you know if they ever provide the photos? Derek
Where do I get Product Thumbnails for drop shipping?
I am not using ebay, instead I am using a personal web site, so when we are drop shipping products, where do we get the photos to promote the items?