James Brady

James Brady


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Liquidation.com - how much is shipping?
Hello all,i need some help. i was going to bid on a nokia e90 phone from liquidation.com and i was wondering what shipment cost would be. I'm from ireland and on the website it said...
electronics,games and consoles
I hear electronics are a bad way to go alright,What about watches i heard watches are a brilliant selling item. Watchclosouts.net,is there really much profit to be made on ten watches?
Are liquidators the best type of suppliers to use?
Thank you darryl and jimmy,Great help i must say.
Im buying 16GB iPhones, unlocking them, and selling them on ebay for $60-90 pure profit..FYI May i ask how do you unlock phones,Is it with software or a big screwdriver,I have no idea?
Are liquidators the best type of suppliers to use?
I was just wondering if liquidators was the best way to go in general. Any experienced sellers out there, do you deal with liquidators all the time? What about any of the new guys...