Malcolm Perez

Malcolm Perez


Latest from Malcolm Perez

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Mitech trading - do they offer blind shipping?
Well they do offer Dropshipping, but they have the suppliers name and address on the package, but they don't show the pricing. If i use that supplier will that place me in a sticky...
Mitech trading - do they offer blind shipping?
One of the supplier's im using Mitech trading looks promising. but they do not offer blind shipping. should i stay away from said supplier? (apologies in advance if this is a repeat...
eBay has been hacked!
Yeah that process was a bit loopy, So many people were logged in all at once. i couldn't even reset my password until 6 hours later. And once i was able to log in, all my information...
DBA or not to DBA?
So in the process of me trying to get my dropshipping business legalized,i ran across DBA i need a DBA to sell on ebay? Thanks in advance