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Do's and Don'ts in listing product info from dropshippers
thx for the headsup guys ill contact chinavsion and see where it takes me but tell me is it illegal on ebay to use pics from the wholesale website or is this in some cases?
Do's and Don'ts in listing product info from dropshippers
i dont understand fudjj cas the item is listed on chinavasion all i did was copy the picture and item discription where did i go wrong there
Do's and Don'ts in listing product info from dropshippers
Hey guys, I just had an item removed from eBay due to intellectual property violation. All I did was to copy the listing info from Chinavasion and now the manufacturer reported me to...
Issues on how to use turbo lister
well i was thinking of ebooks fudjj but when i check ebay id say most of there listings like mabe more than 90% list for only $.01-$1.99 and im not sure theu sell alot but im still...
Issues on how to use turbo lister
thx for the advise it was my firewall. now to try my luck listing wish me luck guys