Andrew Wickenheiser

Andrew Wickenheiser


Latest from Andrew Wickenheiser

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DropShipping Ebay Listing where should I say the item is shipped from?
Hello Im thinking of using a dropshipper that says they will ship from us or canada. Where should I say that the item is shipped from in my ebay listing? U.S. or canada or both....
What do I need to certify items are authentic?
Hi Id like to say I appreciate all the info on this site first of all. I have a question tho. In order to list my items on ebay I need to certify they are authentic? how would I list ed...
What products should a newbie start selling on ebay.
Hello all Im wondering what procuts one should sell on ebay. I was thinking to sell electronics, but the general concensus seems to be no go for electronics. From what im...
One Ebay Listing with multiple item or one listing for each item
Hi All looking for some ebay selling advice. in your experience what increase sales or makes better sales of fashion t-shirts caps etc. one listing with multiple quantity or a...