Subject: pay pal info. for jewelry and powerplayers/ return info
Below you will find my paypal receipt for said purchases with the jewelry info below. Please send me return shipping information for the powerplayers. Thank you so much for taking care of this for me. I tried three of these systems and none worked. I'm sorry for being a pain.
Thank you for your courteous treatment!
Nikki since you have posted the comments in the forum about our firm being bad lesson learned I have the desire to resolve this in the open so people can see the dispute resolved...
I try and do right by all....
Send the Power Players to
Search Systems Inc
2710 Thomes Ave Suite 244
Cheyenne Wy 82001 I will refund 100% when they arrive
Also since my order records are at my shop with respect to the jewelry I will look your order up in full Tuesday and see what your missing? Can you please elaborate here. Dont PM this issue
I prefer it be in the open since you posted bout my firm in the open I prefer to handle this openly for all to see its only fair. I have nothing to hide.
Please tell me your name on your order or order number by posting it here and once again elaborate what jewelry your missing and when i get to my shop Tuesday I will research further?