Agustin Federovisky

Agustin Federovisky


Latest from Agustin Federovisky

Why Good Typography Is Essential for eCommerce Success
Typography is one of the most important and most neglected elements in web design. Simply put, typography is the art of selecting the fonts you use on your website, Facebook page, and...
By Agustin Federovisky • September 18, 2023
5 min. read
10 Essential Elements Your eCommerce Site Needs to Sell More Products
If you’re running an eCommerce website, your main goal is to make sales—but is your site designed to sell? A lot of online storefronts fail to consider what the site looks and feels like...
By Agustin Federovisky • September 18, 2023
4 min. read
How to Craft High-Converting eCommerce Landing Pages
All eCommerce sites exist for one reason and one reason only: to make you money. Everything about your website should be designed to get your visitors to the checkout. Sometimes that...
By Agustin Federovisky • September 18, 2023
5 min. read
Usability Testing Guide for eCommerce Websites
There are many reasons why users might abandon your eCommerce site. Maybe the checkout is too long, or the page takes forever to load. This is why usability testing is vital. It helps...
By Agustin Federovisky • September 18, 2023
15 min. read
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