How to Quickly Get Reviews on Amazon Legally (9 Proven Ways)

15 min. read
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How do I get Amazon reviews and ratings legally as a seller?

💡 Quick Answer: You can encourage organic reviews through post-purchase emails, packaging inserts, Amazon’s “Request a Review” button, or participating in Amazon’s Vine Program. However, in general, you’ll want to focus on delivering an exceptional product and service to get genuine reviews from satisfied customers.


So, you’ve got a fantastic product listed on Amazon.

But you’re stuck when getting those all-important reviews. After all, those reviews are what can make or break your product. Have tons of great reviews, the product can sell like hot cakes. Negative reviews and you might as well stop selling this product right then and there.

And that’s where this guide can help.

We’ll walk you through 9 effective strategies that have been tried, tested, and proven to work to get your those oh so coveted positive Amazon reviews.

No shady practices or shortcuts.

No black hat tactics (which are dead anyway). Nothing that will get your seller account banned.

All the techniques below are within Amazon’s guidelines.

So, whether you’re an established seller or a new entrepreneur eager to make a mark, get ready to discover actionable ways to get those positive reviews on Amazon.

Let’s dive in.

Benefits of getting Amazon reviews

Customer reviews are important for any business. But they are vital if you sell on the world’s biggest eCommerce marketplace. Before we jump into the tactics, here are 4 reasons Amazon reviews can make or break your online store.

Trust and credibility

Imagine browsing through Amazon, looking for a specific type of product.

What catches your eye?

Most likely, it’s a product with a good number of positive reviews.

Reviews create trust and credibility.

They show potential buyers that your product is worth their hard-earned cash.

In fact, 92% of consumers say they trust recommendations from other customers more than traditional advertising.

Increased sales

Positive online reviews act as powerful social proof.

When potential buyers see that others have had a great experience with your product, they’ll be more likely to make a purchase.

It’s been proven that products with at least 5 reviews have a 270% higher chance of being purchased than those without reviews.

Enhanced visibility

Products with more reviews outrank their competitors.

Getting more reviews also increases your chance of appearing in the “Customers Who Bought This Also Bought” section on Amazon

Competitive advantage

Customers often compare similar products before making a purchase.

Having a bunch of positive reviews and a high star rating can tip the scales in your favor and give you a competitive advantage.

If you’re new to selling online, check out the resources below to learn more about making money on Amazon:

9 ways to get reviews on Amazon legally & fast

We’ve covered why Amazon reviews are so important.

Now, let’s dive into the proven ways to get those reviews rolling in!

1. Take advantage of Amazon’s “Request a Review” button

Using Amazon’s “Request a Review” button is the easiest way to encourage customers to leave reviews. It allows you to request reviews from customers who have made a purchase.

You can find the button on the order details page of your Amazon Seller Central account.

How to implement it

  1. Access your Amazon Seller Central account and go to the Orders section.
  2. Locate the order for which you want to request a review.
  3. Click the “Request a Review” button next to the order.
  4. Amazon will send an automated email to the customer asking for a review.

Why it works

Easy to do

You can request a review directly from your Seller Central account. This eliminates the need for manual outreach or the use of any external tools.

Authentic email from Amazon

The review request comes from Amazon. This adds authenticity and credibility to the email.

Ease of use for customers

Customers can easily click the provided link to leave a review on Amazon. The process is streamlined and convenient.

What to avoid doing

The biggest thing to avoid is sending too many review requests. It’s annoying and spammy.

There are better ways to get Amazon reviews than bombarding customers with multiple emails.

How fast will you see the results?

It depends on how responsive your customers are and your sales volume.

If you have a solid sales volume, you should see an increase in reviews within a few days of implementing this method.

2. Utilize product inserts

Adding product inserts into your packaging can be an effective way to get customer reviews on Amazon. The best product inserts express gratitude and encourage reviews without being too pushy.

How to implement it

  1. Include a small note or card inside your product packaging.
  2. Thank the customer for their purchase and kindly request a review.
  3. Provide clear instructions on how to leave a review on Amazon.

Why it works

Physical reminder

A product insert provides a physical reminder to customers. It lets you catch buyers when they unbox their purchase, and the experience is fresh in their memory.

Express gratitude

You can express your appreciation to your customers. This gesture creates a positive impression and can motivate customers to reciprocate by leaving a review.

Ease of instruction

Use the product insert to provide clear instructions on how to leave a review on Amazon. Guiding customers through the process increases their likelihood of taking action.

What to avoid doing

Don’t overwhelm your customers with too much information. Instead, keep it short and concise.

You also can’t ask directly for a positive review.

Avoid words like “love” or “happy” when asking for feedback. Instead, use neutral language to make sure you stay within Amazon’s guidelines on incentivized reviews.

How fast will you see the results?

Generally, you can expect to get reviews within a few days of customers receiving the product and being prompted by the insert.

3. Join Amazon’s Vine Program

Amazon’s Vine Program can help you get unbiased feedback and verified product reviews. After the eCommerce giant closed the Amazon Early Reviewer Program, it quickly increased the number of Vine reviewers to fill the gap.

You must have a professional selling partner account registered in Amazon Brand Registry to qualify for the program. And you’ll need to provide free products for Vine Voices (Amazon’s trusted reviewers) to review.

How to implement it

  1. Enroll eligible products in Amazon’s Vine Program.
  2. Provide free samples to Vine Voices, who will leave an honest review.
  3. Amazon handles the logistics of distributing the products to selected reviewers.

Why it works

Trusted reviewers

The Vine Program connects sellers with trusted reviewers with a history of providing insightful feedback. As a result, these reviewers have established credibility within the Amazon community, lending more weight to their reviews.

Unbiased feedback

Get in-depth reviews that influence customer purchasing decisions. You can expect to receive detailed reviews with real insights - not your typical “good product” four-star review.

Increased review visibility

Vine product reviews carry the “Vine Voice” label. This distinguishes them from regular customer reviews and adds more credibility to the content of the review.

What to avoid doing

Vine Voices are typically more critical than the average customer. Make sure the information you provide about the product is accurate and not in any way misleading.

You’ll be giving away some products for free in exchange for honest reviews. Of course, the trade-off is only worth it if you have lots of inventory and a reliable supplier to help you meet demand.

How fast will you see the results?

Reviews generated through the Vine Program typically appear within a few weeks of enrolling eligible products. However, the exact timeframe can vary depending on reviewer availability.

You must be an Amazon FBA seller to use the Vine program. Make sure you read our beginner’s guide to Amazon FBA if you’re just starting out.

4. Encourage reviews through follow-up emails

You can proactively encourage customers to share their experiences through follow-up emails. Amazon calls it Buyer-Seller’ Messaging,’ but your review request will land in your customer’s email inbox.

How to implement it

  1. Set up an automated email campaign to send follow-up emails to customers after their purchase.
  2. Express gratitude and emphasize the importance of customer feedback in personalized review requests.
  3. Provide a direct link to write a review on Amazon.

Why it works

Timely reminder

Sending a follow-up email shortly after the purchase gives customers time to experience your product and form an opinion. When your email lands in their inbox, the experience is still fresh in their minds. This increases the likelihood of them leaving a review.

Gratitude and personal touch

You can express gratitude and add a personal touch to the email to build a connection with the customer. This can motivate customers to reciprocate by writing a review.

Convenience and guidance

Including a direct link makes it easy for customers. You eliminate potential barriers and increase the chances of customers taking action.

What to avoid doing

Be mindful of the frequency of your follow-up emails. Don’t send dozens of emails and end up annoying your customers.

You must also avoid using manipulative language or offering incentives in exchange for positive reviews. Amazon will warn you and potentially kick you off the platform for breaking its guidelines.

How fast will you see the results?

It depends on customer responsiveness. Some customers may leave reviews soon after receiving the email, while others may take longer.

You should see an increase in reviews within a few weeks after implementing a well-crafted follow-up email campaign.

5. Run promotions to encourage reviews

Promotions can be a powerful way to motivate customers to leave reviews. If you offer a great deal on a product, customers are more likely to be delighted with their purchase and leave a review.

How to implement it

  1. Offer discounts to encourage sales.
  2. Clearly communicate the promotion in your product listing.
  3. Make sales and use the other tactics we’ve covered to get more reviews on Amazon.

Why it works

Value exchange

Giving customers added value through a discount creates a sense of reciprocity. It gives them an extra incentive to share their experience.

Positive association

Running promotions can create a positive association with your brand. Customers perceive you as generous and customer-focused, which can enhance their overall experience and loyalty.

What to avoid doing

This review strategy can be super effective but can also eat into your profit margin. You need to maximize the chances of gaining a review from each sale.

If you choose to run a promotion to boost your chances of getting Amazon reviews, make sure you use the other tactics in this guide.

How fast will you see the results?

It depends on the visibility of your product in search results and customer responsiveness.

Typically, you can expect to see an increase in reviews for the duration of the promotion and shortly after it ends.

6. Request reviews after customer service interactions

Requesting reviews from people who have contacted your customer service can be a great way to boost your review count. You can leverage the relationship you have established to encourage valuable feedback.

How to implement it

  1. Identify customers who have contacted you for support.
  2. Send a personalized message expressing your appreciation and ask if they would be willing to share their experience by leaving a review.
  3. Provide a direct link to write a review on Amazon.

Why it works

Established relationship

You have an established connection with customers who have already interacted with your customer service. This familiarity increases the likelihood of receiving a response and a potential review.

Positive experiences

Customers who have received exceptional customer service are more likely to share their positive experiences. Buyers who receive assistance often develop a sense of trust and gratitude toward your brand.

Discover how to delight your Amazon customers with our list of 15 ways to provide exceptional ecommerce customer service.

What to avoid doing

Avoid sending generic messages. Instead, personalize your communication to reflect the specific support provided to the customer. This demonstrates sincerity and increases the chances of receiving a response.

You should also wait for 24 hours before sending a review request. Sending a request immediately after a customer service interaction may come across as intrusive.

How fast will you see the results?

The timeframe for seeing results can vary. Some customers may promptly respond and leave a review, while others may take longer.

7. Sell an awesome product

Selling a great product creates a strong foundation for positive customer reviews. If your customer is delighted with their purchases, they will usually leave a good review without any prompting.

How to implement it

  1. Prioritize quality over price. You can charge more for a product that is better than your competitors.
  2. Invest time in sourcing products from a supplier that delivers consistent, high-quality products.
  3. Provide accurate product descriptions and images that highlight the quality of the item.

Why it works

Customer satisfaction

Your customers are more likely to be satisfied with a high-quality product that meets their needs. When your customers are happy, they are more inclined to leave positive reviews.

Differentiation from competitors

In a competitive marketplace, selling an awesome product sets you apart. When customers recognize your product’s superior quality, it increases their trust in your brand and the likelihood of writing a positive review.

Repeat purchases and brand loyalty

Exceptional products often lead to repeat purchases. Your customers are more likely to leave positive reviews and purchase from you again.

What to avoid doing

Make sure your customers are willing to pay for a premium product. In some product categories, there is a price ceiling that customers are unwilling to go beyond.

Your product could end up being admired but without actually generating any sales.

How fast will you see results?

It depends on product visibility, market demand, and customer satisfaction. However, consistently delivering a high-quality product increases the likelihood of receiving positive reviews over time.

Need help finding the right product to sell?

Check out our guide on the easiest products to sell on Amazon and eBay.

8. Check Seller Feedback for buyers that haven’t left a review on the product page

Some buyers leave seller feedback but don’t leave a review on your product page. Proactively engaging with these customers can be an effective way to get reviews on Amazon.

How to implement it

  1. Check for customer feedback in your Amazon Seller Central account’s “Seller Feedback” section.
  2. Identify customers who have provided positive feedback but haven’t left a review on the product page.
  3. Reach out to these customers expressing gratitude and request they leave a review on the product page.

Why it works

Targeted outreach

These customers have already demonstrated satisfaction with your product, making them more likely to leave a review.

Appreciation and reciprocity

Reaching out to customers who have provided positive feedback shows your appreciation. This gesture of gratitude can give customers the nudge they need to leave a review on the product page.


Sometimes, customers may forget to leave a review or simply haven’t gotten around to it. By reminding them through targeted outreach, you bring their attention back to the product and make it convenient for them to leave a review.

What to avoid doing

Don’t send more than one request and follow-up message. Flooding your customer with messages can result in your request being ignored or even negative feedback.

It’s also important to adhere to Amazon’s guidelines. Focus on the quality of your product and the value it provides rather than incentivizing customers to leave biased feedback.

How fast will you see results?

Patience is key, and it’s important to respect customers’ choices.

Some may respond promptly and leave a review, while others may take more time or choose not to leave a review at all.

9. Great packaging

Investing in great packaging creates a memorable unboxing experience for customers. This positive experience can increase customer satisfaction, positive reviews, and even organic sharing on social media.

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How to implement it

  1. Design visually appealing, professional packaging aligned with your brand identity.
  2. Ensure the packaging provides adequate protection for the product during shipping.
  3. Consider including additional elements such as personalized thank-you notes or small gifts to enhance the unboxing experience for customers.

Why it works

Positive first impression

Well-designed packaging that looks great creates a great first impression of your brand. It sets the stage for a positive customer experience, increasing the likelihood of a good review.

Unboxing experience

Great packaging enhances the unboxing experience. You create a sense of delight that can boost customer satisfaction.

Perception of quality

High-quality packaging reflects positively on the perceived quality of your product. This perception can translate into positive reviews and ratings.

What to avoid doing

Don’t sacrifice product protection for aesthetics. You don’t want to compromise the integrity of the packaging and risk damaging the product during shipping.

You should also avoid excessive or non-recyclable packaging. This can impact customer perception and may result in a negative review.

How fast will you see results?

You should see results relatively quickly. Customers receiving well-packaged products are likelier to leave reviews shortly after the unboxing experience.

Things to avoid when getting Amazon reviews

Here’s the thing, sticking to the guidelines is key to building a sustainable business on Amazon.

Some sellers get caught up in questionable practices to boost their ratings.

While you might get a short-term boost in ranking, you risk getting your account banned or even facing legal action.

In this section, we’ll cover what you should not do when getting Amazon reviews.

Fake reviews

Purchasing fake reviews or hiring individuals to write reviews is a big no-no. Not only does Amazon take strict action against sellers engaging in this tactic, but it can also damage your reputation if exposed.

And it’s not hard to spot a fake. Some savvy shoppers use tools like Fakespot to identify phony reviews.

These also violate consumer protection laws by deceiving consumers and manipulating their purchasing decisions, leading to potential legal consequences such as fines, lawsuits, and reputational damage for businesses caught engaging in such deceptive practices.

Violates Amazon’s policies

Amazon strictly prohibits fake reviews as they undermine the integrity of the marketplace and deceive potential customers.

Severe consequences

It can lead to account suspension or termination if Amazon detects fake reviews. The risk of damaging your reputation and losing your storefront is simply not worth it.

Negative impact on credibilit

Fake reviews can harm your brand’s credibility. When customers discover your reviews are not authentic, it can lead to distrust and a negative perception of your brand.

Incentivized reviews

Don’t offer incentives like freebies or discounts in exchange for positive reviews. Amazon explicitly prohibits this practice.

Instead, focus on delivering top-notch products and exceptional customer service. Let the organic reviews speak for themselves and reflect the true quality of your products.

Violates Amazon’s policies

Sellers found incentivizing reviews risk account suspension or closure.

Damages brand reputation

Customers value transparency and honesty. Discovering that a brand has manipulated reviews can lead to negative word-of-mouth and loss of trust.

Ineffective in the long run

Incentivized reviews will not contribute to sustainable growth. In the long run, what matters is the quality of the product, exceptional customer service, and genuine customer satisfaction.

Review manipulation

Manipulating reviews by deleting negative feedback is a big mistake. Amazon has sophisticated detection mechanisms in place to identify review manipulation.

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Shoppers are also wary of products with zero negative reviews. According to a recent study, 95% of consumers suspect fake or censored reviews when bad ratings aren’t present.

Violates Amazon’s policies

Manipulating reviews undermines the authenticity of customer feedback. It’s strictly prohibited.

Loss of credibility

If customers discover that reviews are manipulated or biased, it can erode their trust in your brand.

Legal implications

In many jurisdictions, false advertising and deceptive practices are illegal. Engaging in review manipulation may violate these laws. It can lead to potential lawsuits.

Review swapping

This practice involves collaborating with other sellers to exchange positive reviews. And it’s a big red flag for Amazon. It goes against the guidelines as it attempts to deceive customers and artificially inflate product ratings.

Violates Amazon’s policies

Engaging in review swaps or circles goes against Amazon’s guidelines. As a result, you risk account restrictions, suspension, or an outright ban.

Negative impact on seller reputation

Word spreads quickly in the online marketplace. Negative experiences associated with review manipulation can harm your brand image.

Inaccurate product feedback

You miss out on valuable insights and constructive criticism that can help you improve your products.

Review bombing competitors

Review bombing competitors involves organizing campaigns to post overwhelming negative reviews on your competitors’ product listings. Instead of competing fairly, some Amazon sellers resort to review bombing to bring down their competition.

Violates Amazon’s policies

It’s strictly against Amazon’s guidelines. Review bombing aims to manipulate the competition unfairly.

Legal implications

Participating in review bombing can have legal consequences. For example, it can be considered defamation or unfair competition in some jurisdictions.

Focus on your business

Instead of resorting to review bombing, focus on improving your own business. By providing value to your customers, you can gain a competitive advantage legitimately and ethically.

Responding to negative reviews inappropriately

Negative reviews can be disheartening. But handling them professionally is essential.

You can even turn around a negative experience and gain a positive review.

Maintain professionalism

Getting defensive or confrontational reflects poorly on your brand and can damage your reputation.

Customer perception

How you handle negative reviews impacts the perception of your brand. Responding with empathy and a willingness to resolve issues can help you retain a customer - even if something goes wrong with their first order.

Future customer impressions

Amazon shoppers read positive and negative reviews. Demonstrating excellent customer service can help potential customers overcome barriers to making a purchase.

If you’re getting mixed product reviews, make sure you check out our guide on how to improve Amazon feedback ratings and reviews.

How to get reviews on Amazon in 2023

Getting Amazon reviews is essential to building a successful business on the platform.

By implementing the nine proven methods above, you can increase your chances of receiving more reviews - without breaking Amazon guidelines.

If you want to take your Amazon selling to the next level, check out the SaleHoo Directory. It’s the best place to find trustworthy suppliers and high-quality products to sell on Amazon.

Looking for some product inspiration? Use the SaleHoo Market Research Labs to discover hot items with high demand and profitability.

If you have any questions or need more information on anything eCommerce related, just have a chat with our 24/7 support team.

The eCommerce industry is full of opportunities. You can thrive as an Amazon seller with the right strategies, tools, and tactics.


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SaleHoo Group

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