19 Conversion Optimization Best Practices for Dropshipping Stores

16 min. read
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So, you’ve got your dropshipping store up and running, and you’re getting traffic from Meta, TikTok, and Google.

That’s awesome!

But if those visitors aren’t turning into customers, it’s a big problem that needs solving.

Once you understand how dropshipping works and launch your store, converting visitors into paying customers is the next step.

Setting up a store and running ads is only the beginning. The real progress starts when you master conversion rate optimization.

We’ve done the legwork and tested the strategies. Now we’re going to share a guide that could transform your business. These practical tips will turn your Shopify store into a revenue-generating machine.

Ready to level up your dropshipping store?

Let’s get started!

What is conversion rate optimization?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of improving your online store to get more visitors to make a purchase. It involves changing different elements to make the shopping experience smoother and more appealing.

Why does CRO matter?

Because a higher conversion rate means you’re getting more sales from the same amount of traffic. More sales equals more money in your pocket.

It also makes your marketing efforts more cost-effective. You can increase sales without spending more on ads to drive traffic to your store.

19 Conversion rate optimization tips for dropshipping stores

Here are 19 hacks that will help you optimize for conversions and get traction for your dropshipping business.

1. Optimize site speed

If your website takes too long to load, visitors are likely to leave before they even see your products. Even a delay of a few seconds can significantly increase bounce rates. That means people click away from your site without buying anything.

A study by Portent proves how important site speed is for eCommerce sales. The study found that eCommerce sites that loaded in one second had conversion rates of 3.05%. That number dropped to 1.08% for sites that took five seconds to load.

So, speed matters!

Optimize images

Large images can slow down your site. Before you upload images to your site, compress them using a tool like TinyPNG. This will reduce the file size without noticeably affecting the quality of the image.

Enable browser caching

When a visitor comes to your store, their browser downloads files to display your web pages. With browser caching, these files are stored locally on their device so your site loads faster the next time they visit. There are a ton of Shopify apps and WordPress plugins you can use to implement browser caching.

Reduce plugins and apps

Too many plugins and apps can slow down your site. Deactivate and delete any plugins or apps that you don't need. Only keep the essential ones.

2. Mobile optimization

A huge chunk of online shoppers use their smartphones to browse and buy products online. In fact, mobile now accounts for 62% of all eCommerce sales:

If your website isn't optimized for mobile, you're likely missing out on a lot of potential sales. People expect a smooth, easy experience on their phones. If your store is hard to navigate or slow to load, they'll move on to a competitor.

Responsive design

A responsive design automatically adjusts to different screen sizes. This means your site will look good and works great on smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Most modern website builders and themes are responsive, but it's always good to check and make sure.

Tap-friendly features

No one wants to play hide-and-seek with your menu. Use a simple menu structure, and make sure it's easy to navigate your site and make a purchase.

Buttons should be large enough to tap without needing the precision of a brain surgeon. Avoid pop-ups that are hard to close on smaller screens. It's also a good idea to ditch any hover effects - they're pretty useless on a touch screen.

3. Detailed product descriptions

People who shop online can't physically touch or see your product up close. That's why your product descriptions need to do all the heavy lifting. According to a recent survey, 85% of shoppers say product information and pictures are important when deciding which brand to buy from:

A good description gives shoppers confidence in their purchase. It can be the difference between a sale and someone leaving your site without buying anything.

Include key details

Don't just list the basic features, and definitely don't just copy and paste the description from your dropshipping supplier. Include dimensions, materials, colors, and any other specifics.

Think about what you'd want to know if you were buying the product. Answer all those "But what about…?" questions before they even come up.

Highlight benefits

Don't just tell customers what the product is – tell them why it's great. Explain how it solves a problem or improves their life. For example, if you're selling a kitchen gadget, talk about how it makes cooking easier or faster.

4. Use trust signals

Trust signals are elements on your website that help reassure customers that your site is safe and reliable. If people don't trust you, they won't buy from you.

A recent study found that 50% of consumers have abandoned a cart because of concerns about business legitimacy:

Customers need to feel confident that their personal information and payment details are secure. And that they'll actually get the product they're paying for.

Security badges

Display security badges from well-known organizations like Norton and McAfee. You can add these badges to your store for free using Shopify apps or WordPress plugins. These logos tell customers your site is secure and their data is protected.

Money-back guarantees

A money-back guarantee shows that you believe in your products. Highlight the guarantee on your product pages and checkout. It can make a huge difference to conversions.

Clear return policies

Make your return policy easy to find and understand. A clear, no-hassle return policy reassures customers that they can return or exchange products if needed. This transparency builds trust.

5. Simplify the checkout process

The checkout process is where many potential customers abandon their carts. If it's too complicated or takes too long, people get frustrated and leave without buying.

A recent survey found that two of the top five reasons people abandon an online purchase are related to a complicated checkout process:

Minimize steps

Keep the checkout process as short as possible. The fewer steps a customer has to take, the better. Ideally, everything should fit on one or two pages.

If your checkout process has multiple steps, use a progress indicator. This way, customers will know exactly where they are and how many steps are left.

Guest checkout

Not everyone wants to create an account just to buy something. Offer a guest checkout option so customers can make a purchase without the extra step of registering.

6. Offer various payment options

Everyone has their favorite way to pay. Some people stick to credit cards, while others prefer digital wallets. A recent survey found that digital wallets are now the most popular payment method for around 50% of shoppers:

Offering multiple payment options makes it easier for different types of customers to complete their purchase. The easier it is for people to pay, the more likely they are to buy from you.

Digital wallets

Many customers prefer using PayPal because they don't have to enter their card details every time they make a purchase. It's also really easy to set up on your site.

With the rise of mobile shopping, offering mobile payment options like Apple Pay and Google Pay is a smart idea. These payment methods allow customers to complete purchases quickly with just a touch or a click on their mobile devices.

Buy now, pay later (BNPL)

Services like Klarna and Afterpay let customers buy now and pay later in installments. This can be a great way to boost sales. Stripe found that businesses offering BNPL achieve an average 14% increase in revenue.

7. Live chat support

Customers often have questions while shopping online. They may be unsure about a product detail or need assistance with the checkout process.

Live chat support provides immediate answers. It's the customer communication channel with the highest satisfaction rate:

User-friendly chat window

Make sure your chat window is easy to find and use. It should be clearly visible on your website and accessible from any page, especially product pages and during the checkout.

Set up proactive invites if customers seem stuck or have been on a page for a while. For example, if someone has been on the checkout page for a few minutes without completing their purchase, a chat invitation could help them finish the process.


You don't need to have a live person available 24/7. Chatbots can handle common questions and provide quick responses when your team isn't available.

8. A/B testing

A/B testing helps you understand which elements work best at driving sales. You compare two versions of the same element and see which version performs better. This could be anything from a headline to a CTA button.

A recent survey found that 70% of brands have increased landing page conversions with A/B testing:

Test the important elements first

Start with the elements that have a big impact on conversions. This could be headlines, product descriptions, images, or call-to-action (CTA) buttons.

Tools like VWO are user-friendly and provide everything you need to run tests.

Test one element at a time

If you change multiple things at once, it's hard to figure out what actually made the difference. You need to control the variables to know what's really going on.

9. Leverage social proof

Social proof is about showing potential customers that other people trust and buy from your online store. This can make a huge difference in converting visitors into buyers.

A recent study found that online shoppers rely on social proof when making purchasing decisions:

Customer reviews

Positive feedback from real customers can be super convincing for potential buyers. Display reviews and ratings on your product pages.

Gather testimonials from satisfied customers and feature them on your homepage. This can be a great way to boost trust when new shoppers first visit your store.

Highlight bestsellers

You can use badges or labels to make these products stand out. Showcasing your best-selling products signals to potential customers that these items are popular.

10. Retargeting and remarketing

Not everyone is ready to buy the first time they visit your site. Retargeting and remarketing strategies help you bring back visitors who didn't buy anything on their first visit. They remind potential customers about your products and encourage them to complete their purchase.

This is a very popular marketing tactic. A recent survey found that 77% of marketers use Facebook and Instagram retargeting ads:

Use retargeting ads

Set up retargeting ads on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. These ads will show up for people who have visited your site but didn't buy anything. Once you've set up tracking and your product catalog, these ads are displayed automatically.

Email remarketing campaigns

If you've collected email addresses from visitors, use email remarketing to re-engage them. Send automated emails to customers who added items to their cart but didn't complete the purchase. Remind them of what they left behind. Include a clear CTA to return and complete their purchase.

11. Upsell and cross-sell

Upselling and cross-selling are about getting your customers to buy a little more. You suggest additional items or higher-value products that complement what they're already interested in.

It's a great way to boost your sales. These tactics are responsible for 35% of Amazon's sales revenue:

Relevant recommendations

Keep it relevant. Suggest products that complement what the customer is already buying. If they're getting a smartphone, recommend a case or a screen protector. It makes sense and adds value to their purchase.

Timing is everything

Offer your upsell and cross-sell suggestions at the right moment. The best times are on the product page, during checkout, or post-purchase emails. This way, customers see the recommendations when they're most engaged.

12. Optimize for SEO

Good SEO means more organic traffic to your website. When your site ranks higher in search results, more potential customers will visit. That leads to more sales. It's a long-term strategy that can really pay off.

There are a few key areas you should focus on first. These strategies can make the most impact.

Keyword optimization

Start by finding the right keywords. These are the words people use to search for your products. Use Ahrefs or Semrush to find popular keywords that describe your products.

Use your target keywords naturally in your product titles and descriptions. Make sure each product page has a unique title and description that accurately describes the product. Include relevant keywords, but don't go overboard. Keep it natural and informative.


You need backlinks to rank high in search results. Google uses backlinks to judge the authority of a page and where it should rank in search results. However, not all backlinks offer the same value.

Focus on getting links from relevant blogs and publications in your niche. You can write guest posts, contribute expert insights, or go the digital PR route.

Link building is HARD. Focus on getting your on-page SEO down before you think about backlinks.

13. Use urgency and scarcity

These tactics can really motivate customers to make a purchase. They create a fear of missing out (FOMO). When shoppers feel like they might miss an opportunity, they're more likely to take action quickly. This can help you convert visitors into buyers.

A recent study revealed the impact of FOMO on consumers:

Limited-time offers and flash sales

Create promotions that are only available for a short period. Use countdown timers on your product pages to show exactly how much time is left for the deal. This can push customers to buy before time runs out.

Low stock alerts

Show low stock levels on your product pages. Let customers know that the item is running out and they need to act fast if they want it. This can be super effective for popular items.

14. Regularly update your inventory and content

Keeping things fresh can make a big difference in retaining customers. When customers see new products on your site, they're more likely to keep coming back. You need to understand the product life cycle and when to refresh your range.

New product listings

Dropshipping makes it easy to add new products to your store. You don't have to worry about inventory costs or storage space, so you can easily keep your inventory fresh. Highlight new arrivals on your homepage and in your marketing.

Review and update your product descriptions regularly to ensure they are accurate and engaging. You can also A/B test different versions to see what works best.

Seasonal updates

Adjust your inventory based on the seasons. For example, summer items should be featured in the warmer months, and holiday-themed products as those seasons approach. This makes your store relevant all year round.

15. Get great pictures/videos of products

Think about what you want to see when you’re shopping online. What makes you want to buy something?

The best thing you can do is add detailed images to your product listings so that customers know exactly what they’re getting. Having high-quality product images might be a challenge for a dropshipping store as not all suppliers and manufacturers invest in pixel-perfect photos.

You should take the initiative. If a supplier’s photos aren’t up to scratch, ask for product samples that you can photograph yourself. Photograph them from different angles, in context, and make them zoomable.

Product videos

If you want to win at visual commerce, use product videos to stand out from the competition. If your competitors already have a video strategy in place, there’s still room for differentiation and creativity. Video now appears in 70% of the top 100 search results listings, and viewers are anywhere from 64% to 85% more likely to buy after watching a product video.

Use videos on individual product pages to maximize the chances of that happening. You want videos strategically placed in the areas of your site where they can make the most impact. The closer you place videos to conversion points, the more effective they will be.

However, a video on your landing page can boost conversion rates by 80%.

16. Find your rockstars

If you’ve heard about product-market fit, then you already know how important this is for your business, not to mention your conversion rate.

The rule is simple:

  1. Find out how well your products fit the demand within your market and
  2. Find out whether or not they sell

Try different marketing campaigns to see what your customers want to buy and showcase different products on your homepage. Test, test, test as much as you can to learn about your niche and your audience, and run marketing campaigns for each product to find out which ones are most successful.

The safest way is by identifying and solving customer pain points. What kind of products can you deliver to solve those problems? This might be something that’s not always achievable as not all products solve a clear problem, but here’s where a copywriter can do magic.

If you’re more of a pragmatic type, then go ahead and conduct keyword research, ask your customers about their everyday struggles and capitalize on trends. This may seem like common sense, but it’s incredible how many companies ignore these steps. Test everything and trust your data.

17. Develop a smarter on-site search engine

If you don’t use your on-site search to its full potential, you’ll potentially be leaving a lot of money on the table.

Your shoppers don’t have the time to check every typo or navigate through pages with irrelevant products. They want accurate, intuitive search suggestions, and they want them now. Not refining your site search can cause you to lose a lot of money. Websites with highly optimized search engines see an 82% improvement in conversion rates.

Machine Learning techniques boost the ability of internal website searches to understand customers’ intent (i.e. identify the typos, recognize synonyms, show related products) as opposed to focusing only on specific keywords.

If you want to achieve state-of-the-art results with your on-site search engine, make sure you introduce voice search features and image recognition technology.

One of the most hyped technologies introduced in the last few years, Voice Search is the fastest-growing search method worldwide.

Voice search is unconsciously changing your customers’ behavior as well. Instead of searching for “women's red dresses,” your customers will ask, “Find me a perfect red dress for my girlfriend.” That’s why you should start investing in your search engine now.

Your on-site search should act as close to a real personal assistant as possible. In fact, eCommerce sites that provide smart search engines and image recognition features have seen a spectacular boost in sales, especially from mobile users.

18. Reconsider your shipping costs strategy

Let's say your customers find three amazing dresses on your website, go to the checkout page, and then... they get hit with shipping rates. Suddenly, a product they thought had a fair price is starting to seem a little too expensive. From there, either they decide to push the “buy” button despite the increased costs or they abandon their cart. Guess what 98% of users do?

If you notice a significant drop-off on your shipping calculator page, you might want to consider your shipping strategy. 

Free shipping: This is a surefire way to get a customer's attention. Nine out of 10 consumers say that free shipping is the number one incentive to shop online more, but it can also potentially cut into your profits. To avoid that, you could try offering free shipping with a minimum order amount or a minimum number of items instead.

Flat rate: This is a great strategy since it can be easily implemented and offers a calculated way of managing your costs. However, it requires a bit of preparation, as you need to figure out your average cost of shipping per package. However, you should be doing this anyway, as you don't want to undercharge or overcharge your customers.

Charge what you get charged: The simplest formula is to pass the shipping cost to your customer. Once a customer gets to the checkout, they select where they want their order shipped to, and the calculator does the rest. I encourage you to use a real-time calculator that shows you aren't overcharging for shipping or increasing your item prices to cover the charges. This can win you a lot of trust with your customers.

Do your best to ensure that your suppliers fulfill orders as quickly as possible. Clearly state the delivery time and provide excellent customer service.

19. Clear calls to action

One would say that design, UX (User Experience), product images, and the navigation flow are key features that can help you nail the competition and impress your clients. I would say that copy forms are the real foundation of your brand. It’s the tone of voice, product descriptions, and friendly and actionable calls to action that leave a lasting impression on your customers.

Three of your biggest challenges are informing customers about your products, evoking emotions that drive action, and building brand values that foster long-lasting relationships with your users. To be clear, a website’s copy isn’t about fancy words or metaphorical descriptions; it’s about knowing, understanding, and clearly communicating your key value propositions.

After focusing on copy and value proposition throughout their site, Invesp increased conversion rates for BlogTalk Radio and O'reilly by over 90%. 90%! Can you imagine that?

Make sure you have a strong focus on your CTAs. They tell your visitors what actions to take, what path to travel through your website, and eventually, how to accomplish their goals.

Boost your conversion rates and grow your business faster

Optimizing your dropshipping store is all about turning visitors into loyal customers. Using the tactics we've revealed in this guide, you can boost your conversion rates and grow your business.

But even with all these strategies, you still need great products to sell. That's where SaleHoo Dropship comes in.

With SaleHoo dropship, you can find trending dropshipping products hand-picked by experts and add them to your Shopify store with just a few clicks.

Join SaleHoo today!

And if you have any questions about CRO or anything else eCommerce related, get in touch with our friendly 24/7 support team.


About the author
Valentin Radu

Valentin Radu is a serial entrepreneur and visionary involved in tech and digital marketing for the past 12 years. He is the founder of Omniconvert, a growth enabler tool for mid-size eCommerce websites looking to become customer-centric. Omniconvert is a conversion rate optimization platform that combines the power of AB testing, web personalization, web surveys using an advanced segmentation engine.

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