How to Write Product Descriptions + Examples & Best AI Tools

16 min. read
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How do you write product descriptions?

💡 Quick Answer: Keep product descriptions brief and emphasize features that demonstrate how the consumer will benefit from the item.

Would you buy a product just by looking at a photo?!

You need to know all the details about the item before you add it to your shopping cart. You have to know what material it is made of, its dimensions, among other things.

And most importantly, you need to be convinced that the product will add value to your life or solve a problem.

All of these details and more should be clear in the product description. And such descriptions should accompany all products sold online, along with the brand name, product name, images, and price.

The goal of a product description is to encourage people to pay for an item. And a well-written one will be incredibly convincing.

According to a study, 87% of online shoppers say that the product description is key to their decision to purchase an item. The same study noted that 88% say product content is either “extremely important” or “very important” in their decision. Shoppers will only buy when they have enough information about a particular item.

As a consumer yourself, you know how important product descriptions are.

Writing a compelling product description that will sell is a crucial skill for retailers and marketers. In this article, we discuss how to write product descriptions that will convince people to click purchase, even the most niche products.

Why write product descriptions?

Product descriptions provide a lot of benefits not just for the product for sale but also for the website and business as a whole.

Here are the many advantages of a well-written product description:

Showcasing unique value

In marketing, a unique selling proposition/point (USP) must be emphasized—it is what sets you apart from the competition. It’s the same for individual products. It is essential to showcase the item’s unique characteristics to entice buyers.

And unique products don’t just stand out; they also allow a business to set premium prices for them.

Conveying benefits to customers

People buy products because they think they will benefit from them. They want to spend money on things that will solve a particular problem, something they will have use for. Even items that aren’t very practical may still satisfy a consumer’s desire.

Sellers must highlight the many benefits of a product so customers will be enticed to buy them.

Building trust and credibility

Product descriptions are also a great way to establish trust and credibility for brands.

How can this happen?

One way to do it is by emphasizing the brand’s expertise in manufacturing the product and its longevity for customers. If the brand is fairly new in the industry, the product description must underscore its best practices, product testing, and quality standards.

SEO and discoverability

One of the most important benefits of product descriptions is they will help people actually find the product online. That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in.

If you sell beauty products online, how can you make sure consumers go to your website and not your competitor? You need to use the right keywords in your product descriptions so that when people look up what they need, your site will appear on the first page of the results.

What’s the point of writing the best product descriptions that no one will read?

Note that SEO is not just about keywords and ranking. It’s so much more than that. Some of the crucial elements of an effective SEO strategy are as follows:

  • Product reviews
  • Images
  • URLs
  • Internal linking
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Physical address (for businesses with brick-and-mortar stores)

Enhancing customer experience

Explaining a product’s features and benefits will enhance customer experience. The product description helps potential buyers understand what the item can offer and how their life will improve with it.

Utilizing storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool for writing product descriptions. It makes products relatable, engages the reader, and describes how they can solve everyday problems.

Key steps to writing compelling product descriptions

How to write product descriptions that interest people and increase your sales? Follow these steps:

1. Know your target audience

While it may seem better to cultivate the broadest possible mass appeal in marketing, product descriptions actually work better when they are more personal.

And you can do this when you zero in on the core market for your product. In marketing, there is a strategy known as customer persona, which is to create a fictional profile representing the target market. This customer persona establishes customer preferences and tries to predict their behavior.


To create a customer persona, gather information about your target audience, including demographics, behaviors, interests, and pain points. Use this data to craft detailed profiles that humanize your audience and help you better understand their needs and preferences. By empathizing with your customers and tailoring your marketing efforts to address their specific challenges and desires, you can improve customer engagement and drive more effective business outcomes.

When you have the information you need to create this customer persona, you can easily create a product description that would appeal to your target market.

2. Highlighting features and benefits

List down the features and benefits of the item. Highlight the ones that will greatly appeal to your persona.

If there are too many features, focus on the product’s most unique characteristics, importance in everyday life, and overall desirability.

3. Use of descriptive language for sensory experiences

Descriptive language is quite tricky—you need to use adjectives, but not all of them will add significant value to the product.

For example, “beautiful” is a good description, but it is quite subjective and ultimately meaningless to a potential customer.

Instead of general adjectives, choose terms that appeal to the five senses. These sensory words will bring product descriptions to a whole new level.

Let’s take some of the top-ranking dropshipping products that will make money and how they can be best described with sensory language:

  • Gaming headset - crisp and thundering sound
  • Wooden watches - classic look and smooth on the wrist
  • Hair growth serum - dazzlingly effective and fragrant
  • Smoothie blender - the whirl of the blade gives you a smoothie within seconds
  • Seamless underwear - sleek and comfortably wooly

4. Keeping descriptions concise yet informative

People read product descriptions to learn about a specific item, but they don’t want to read a drawn-out essay about it. Keep your product description short: around 300 words is the sweet spot.

Use simple, easy-to-read sentences and list the most critical information in bullet points. It will be easy on the eyes, making it a breeze for prospective buyers to scan the description and learn about pertinent details.

5. Formatting for readability

Following this format to make your description easy to read:

The title (H1) must contain the brand and product name. Use H2s and H3s to outline everything the reader needs to know. Use bullet points as much as you can.

The header tags will improve the readability of the product description and boost SEO performance.

6. Crafting a strong call to action

End the description with a strong call to action (CTA) that will encourage prospects to add the product to their cart and follow through to purchase.

Integrate discounts and rewards in your CTA to generate even more sales.

How to use AI to create engaging product descriptions

Using AI to craft your product descriptions can streamline your workflow and take the quality of your content to the next level. But you don't want boring, generic AI-generated copy that sounds the same as everyone else's.

Here's how to create unique, high-converting product descriptions using AI:

Step 1: Gather product information

First, you need to gather all the important details about your product. What are its features, specs, and benefits? Think about what makes it unique. Is it made from a special material? Does it have an innovative feature? These key points will be crucial when you input data into your AI tool.

You should also consider customer feedback and common questions about the product. The more information you have, the more detailed and accurate your AI-generated description will be.

Step 2: Select an AI tool

Now that you've got all your product details, it's time to choose the right AI tool to bring those descriptions to life. The right tool can make a huge difference. It will transform your raw information into engaging, polished content.

ChatGPT: Great for generating accurate, relevant content. It also offers many customization options to change the tone and style of your product descriptions. Perfect for beginners. It has a user-friendly interface and handy templates. It allows quick generation of product descriptions in different styles. So you can experiment and find the best fit for your needs. Known for its versatility and detailed customization options. can generate multiple types of content. You can create product descriptions, web copy, and blog posts for your eCommerce site.

Step 3: Set up the AI tool

Now that you've picked your AI tool, you need to create your prompt. This is where you input all the product info you gathered. Be clear about the tone and style you want. If your brand voice is casual and friendly, say so. Prefer a professional and authoritative vibe? Let the AI know.

The more specific you are, the better the AI can tailor the content to match your needs. And don't forget to include any SEO keywords. You want to make your descriptions engaging and easy to find online.

Here's an example of what your prompt should look like:

"Write a product description for a stainless steel water bottle. It holds 32 ounces, keeps drinks cold for 24 hours, and hot for 12 hours. Highlight its eco-friendly material, durability, and leak-proof design. Use a casual and friendly tone. Include keywords like 'eco-friendly water bottle,' 'durable stainless steel bottle,' and 'leak-proof design."

Step 4: Generate descriptions

It's time to let the AI work its magic. Enter your prompt and generate the first draft of your product description.

Generate a few versions of your product description so you have some options to choose from. This step is key because it gives you a variety of styles and approaches.

Once you have the drafts, make sure they accurately capture what your product is all about and highlight its unique features and benefits. Tweak the content to match your brand's voice and fix any errors.

Step 5: Format for readability

It's super important to make your descriptions easy to read. Use clear headings and bullet points, and keep paragraphs short. This way, potential buyers can quickly scan the description and find the information they need.

Highlight key features and benefits so they stand out. For example, use bullet points for technical specs and short, engaging paragraphs for the product's benefits. This makes your descriptions scannable and improves the overall user experience. It makes it easier for customers to decide to buy.

Tips for creating AI-generated product descriptions

Here are a few best practices to help you get professional quality outputs from your AI tools:

Be specific

Give the AI detailed and specific info. The more precise you are, the better the results will be. Include all the product features, unique selling points, and any keywords you want to include.

Combine AI with human touch

Always review what the AI generates. While AI can churn out high-quality text, you need to make sure it meets your standards. Adjust the tone to match your brand's voice, fix any errors, and add personal touches to make the description resonate with your audience.

Focus on customer benefits

Make sure your product descriptions clearly outline how the product benefits the customer. Instead of just listing features, explain why they matter and how they improve the customer's life. If the first draft the AI produces is a bit flat, follow up with a second prompt asking it to highlight the benefits.

Keep it concise and engaging

Keep your descriptions short and to the point. You want to include all the essential information without overwhelming the reader. The goal is to provide a clear, compelling description that makes it easy for customers to decide to buy.

Examples of effective product descriptions

Take a look at some of the best examples of product descriptions that make people open their wallets.

Some of these examples are evergreen products for any dropshipping business:

Example 1: JBL Quantum 910 Wireless

One of Amazon's most popular product niches is computer peripherals, and the JBL Quantum 910 Wireless headphones are a perennial bestseller. The main description contains three paragraphs with three H2s.

The lead paragraph reads:

“Get the professional edge with head-tracking enhanced JBL QuantumSPHERE 360™ on your PC

JBL QuantumSPHERE 360™, powered by JBL QuantumENGINE, available through the USB-C dongle/adaptor gives you professional-level 3D-audio positioning on your PC. Custom calibration of JBL’s algorithm with the integrated head-tracking sensor and by-pack mic is built exclusively for the JBL QUANTUM 910 Wireless giving PC gamers next-gen accuracy audio positioning and a fixed, independent soundscape, improving your natural instincts. JBL QuantumENGINE is also equipped with DTS Headphone X: v2.0.”

Who is the target audience?

Gamers are the obvious target market, as the description uses technical terms that they will understand.

Features and benefits

Each paragraph of the main JBL QuantumSPHERE 360™ lists various features and benefits that would interest gamers and entertainment enthusiasts. They may be convinced to buy the product even if it is pricier than other variations available.

Its bulleted features and benefits read:

  • Low-latency wireless system
  • Active Noise Canceling technology for gaming
  • Play and charge at the same time
  • Dual wireless communication
  • Game audio chat dial for Discord

Descriptive language for sensory experience

JBL has also perfected the descriptive language for sensory experience. This is a great example:

“The integrated head-tracking technology provides you with the extra accuracy and acoustic presence you need to win the game.”

Concise yet informative

The main description is less than 300 words, and it contains bullet points divided into the following:

  • Gallery - showcases images of the product from different angles
  • Features - lists the many benefits of the gaming headphones
  • Specs - technical descriptions that demonstrate the product’s unique selling proposition


The product description is easy to read, with its use of H2s and bullets. Readers will hone in on the most crucial details and be convinced to buy.


There’s a large and bright button that simply says: add to cart. The product comes with free shipping, free return shipping, and lifetime support.

Example 2: CeraVe Resurfacing Retinol Serum

It carries the subhead “post-acne marks and pores,” making it clear who it is for. The first part of the description reads:

“With encapsulated retinol to help resurface skin

Acne marks and uneven skin tone can be constant reminders of breakouts, even after your acne is under control. An effective way to reduce the appearance of acne marks (also called inflammatory hyperpigmentation) and visible pores is by using a gentle, yet effective resurfacing serum that works to refine your skin without compromising its protective barrier.”

Who is the target audience?

This skincare product is meant for people who want to get rid of acne marks.

Features and benefits

Among its important descriptions is the lengthy list of ingredients to reassure potential customers with certain allergies.

It also enumerates a long list of benefits that include the following:

  • Reduces the appearance of post-acne marks and pores
  • Helps restore the protective skin barrier
  • Improves skin smoothness
  • Encapsulated retinol; helps resurface skin texture
  • Licorice root extract; is known to help brighten the appearance of skin

Descriptive language for sensory experience

The product is a serum that targets acne marks, so the information included in the product description outlines how the formulation works. It consists of detailed statements like:

“Lightweight and fast-absorbing, our resurfacing serum helps restore your even skin tone and promote a healthy-looking complexion.”

Concise yet informative

The entire product description is not even 300 words and contains a lot of bullets that make it easy for prospective buyers to scan the information. There is also a step-by-step description of how to use the product:

“Apply evenly to the face daily.

Avoid contact with eyes and lips.

If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water.

If discomfort occurs during the first application, space out applications until the skin adjusts.

Apply sunscreen while using this product.”


The formatting makes it very easy to scan the product description. The eyes immediately go to the header that you want to learn the most about, such as ingredients, benefits, instructions, and product features.


The CTA is quite catchy: SAVE NOW! Up to $4.00 on every product.

Example 3: Nike Sportswear Tech Fleece Windrunner

Nike is one of the biggest brands in the world, and it continues to sell profitable products because of high-quality items, brand recall, and reasonable prices. It also markets well and does everything by the book.

Its product descriptions are concise and rich in information. Take this one for a fleece Windrunner. The highlighted section reads:

“This product is made from at least 50% sustainable materials, using a blend of both recycled polyester and organic cotton fibers. The blend is at least 10% recycled fibers or at least 10% organic fibers.”

Further, the main description for the specific product reads:

“Blending 2 of our most iconic looks, this full-zip hoodie draws design inspiration from our timeless Windrunner jacket, as well as our Tech Fleece jacket.”

Who is the target audience?

Athletic individuals are the primary target audience, especially those who are already Nike enthusiasts familiar with the Windrunner and Tech Fleece jackets.

Features and benefits

Nike provides the following information to demonstrate the features and benefits of the jacket:

  • Our premium, lightweight fleece–smooth both inside and out–gives you plenty of warmth without adding bulk.
  • Subtle Windrunner lines nod to the classic running jacket from the late ‘70s.
  • Dropped shoulders and paneled sleeve design help you move with less restriction.

Descriptive language for sensory experience

The brand provides these lines, through which the reader can almost feel like they are wearing the jacket:

“It’s designed to feel relaxed through the shoulders, chest, and body for an athletic fit you can layer.”

Concise yet informative

Everything is concise, and every sentence provides a piece of new information.

Nike is also advocating the use of sustainable materials, so it has a header that reads, “How This Was Made” to indicate the environmentally friendly characteristics of the jacket.


The entire product description is broken into various headers and interspersed with images to make it easy to scan for details buyers are most interested in.


CTA simply says: Add to Bag on a big black button. Everything else in the product description implies that buying the jacket makes you part of the green advocacy.

Avoiding common mistakes in product descriptions

We’ve tackled the “must do” on how to write product descriptions; now, let’s talk about what you should avoid.

1. Avoid overwhelming with technical jargon

Some products need technical information, which you can relegate to the technical specs area. Don’t put complex details in the main description, which should be about the most important characteristics, features, and benefits of the product.

Take this description of a gaming keyboard: “Retro Typewriter Style with Mechanical Keys - Mechanical blue switch for ultimate gaming performance. The mechanical keys offer medium resistance, audible click sound & tactile feedback. Vintage steampunk round keycaps look like a classical typewriter, bringing you a comfortable typing feeling and stable clicking touch.”

But the more technical aspects are written in another section:

Actuation force: 60gf±5gf

Keystroke travel: 2.0mm

Keycaps: double-shot injection molded

The “ultimate gaming performance” may be enough to spark people’s interest. It’s the serious gamers that will surely scroll further to learn about the actuation force and keystroke travel as they contribute to the optimum gaming experience.

2. Focusing solely on features, neglecting benefits

It’s easy to mistake one for the other, but a feature differs from its benefit. Features refer to the best characteristics of the product, and benefits explain why they are needed.

Let’s take this example of one of the hot-selling products, particularly under online infant toys, a rocket launcher. It enumerates the features and benefits of the product:

  • Adjustable
  • Blasts up to 100 feet
  • Made of ABS plastic
  • Allows kids to launch them at different angles
  • Great for outdoor play in the yard, lawn, or beach
  • Keep children fit as they run and jump
  • Safe for kids, durable

When you say a toy rocket is adjustable, parents shopping for their kids might ask, “So what?” But when you explain that an adjustable rocket launcher makes it more enjoyable because children can launch them at different angles, they will realize why the feature is essential.

Plus, a rocket launcher that blasts up to 100 feet is fun, but the benefit of keeping children fit and healthy as they become more active is quite a significant advantage that needs to be pointed out in the product description.

3. Ignoring the power of storytelling

Some may think that telling a story is hard to achieve within the recommended 300-word limit. But it is easy—and important—to do so. Making products more relatable demonstrates their main benefits without spelling them out for the prospective buyer.

Storytelling is a proven marketing tactic that doesn’t need to be overt. Take this product description of a belt: “This vintage belt is suitable for both casual and formal wearing, especially suitable for matching with your jeans and pants. Good choice for daily wear and office, work, family party, outdoor picnic, travel, etc.”

Suddenly, the belt is not just a functional item that keeps pants in place. It’s a fashion item that you can use for various events.

4. Lack of customer-focused language

It’s important to note that some buyers don’t care too much about the technical specs or highly specific product features. They care that the product will solve their problem. Many product description writers focus too much on the nitty-gritty details rather than what the item can offer to everyday people.

But while you want to use customer-focused language, you also don’t want to oversimplify descriptions.

Check out these examples:

Oversimplified benefit → Customer-focused language

  • The drill is small → It has a compact and lightweight design for easy storage
  • The security camera works well at night → It clearly shows faces and license plates in full color even at night
  • The bed sheet is made of brushed microfiber polyester → The fabric, brushed microfiber polyester, makes the sheet exceptionally soft

5. Lengthy and confusing descriptions

You are writing a product description, not an essay. Experts recommend a word count of 300 words. Do not use long, drawn-out sentences. Lengthy descriptions may get boring and a pain to read.

Remember that people’s attention spans are shorter than ever. Keep everything brief and focus on the most important product features. Make every sentence count: each one should offer a new piece of information. Do not repeat words and only use superlatives when necessary, and they can be backed up.

So here’s the bottomline

Selling products online, whether through resale or private labels, is an exciting venture. But having high-quality products is not enough. You need people to see your products, and more importantly, you need to convince them to click purchase. The product description is key to completing a sale.

There are right and wrong ways to write product descriptions. Mastery of how to write product descriptions will significantly impact any business’s sales numbers and conversion rates.

However, before you take what you’ve learned here and start writing the most captivating product descriptions consumers have laid eyes on, you’ll want to make sure you’re selling the right products. Check out the SaleHoo Directory where you can find over 2.5 million products and over 8,000 vetted suppliers to help you start selling high profit products. Of course, if you have any questions about eCommerce or selling online, you can reach out to our 24/7 support staff.


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SaleHoo Group

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