8 Amazon SEO Hacks That’ll Boost Sales in 2024 (Easy to Implement)

13 min. read
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What are the best Amazon SEO strategies and tips to boost your product listings?

💡 Quick Answer: Boost your Amazon listings by using the right keywords, having a catchy product title and detailed product description that emphasizes product features, integrating high-quality images, encouraging reviews, having purposeful pricing, and enhancing backend optimization.

Amazon drew $514 billion in net sales revenue in 2022.

Hundreds of millions of people shop on Amazon, so there is tremendous scope for eCommerce success. Small businesses need to take advantage of such a huge platform, don’t you think?

And many already do! In fact, Amazon has over 1.9 million active sellers, with more than 300 million active accounts.

Many people want to start selling on Amazon for the following reasons:

  • Low startup costs
  • Prime members are loyal and regular shoppers
  • No need to build a website
  • Fulfillment By Amazon makes everything convenient
  • Location independent

With an extensive network of buyers, suppliers, and resources on Amazon, small businesses can easily compete with the big dogs in their industries. They don’t need to start from scratch, as a robust eCommerce structure is already available.

According to Amazon, American small and medium businesses had an average of $160,000 in sales from June 2019 to May 2020, up from $100,000 the year before.

Around 20% of small and medium business sellers also reached $1 million in sales—certainly a goal you should aim for!

But with close to two million sellers on the platform, competition is incredibly tough.

So, how do you stay ahead?

Amazon SEO can pave the way to success.

What Is Amazon SEO?

You’ve probably heard of SEO and how important it is for online businesses. In general, it involves using search optimization techniques to rank as high as possible on search engine results. This can be done through the website’s technical configuration and content relevance, among others.

So what is Amazon SEO specifically? It is the process of optimizing product listings so items will appear at the top of relevant searches.

With optimized Amazon listings, sellers can easily drive traffic to their storefronts, increase brand and product visibility, and boost sales.

Why Does It Matter?

Amazon SEO is quite different from traditional SEO. You need to learn internal Amazon techniques to take your product listings to the next level.

Amazon sells more than 12 million products, which means your product will compete with thousands of similar items. To capture consumers, your listing must appear quite high on search results. After all, shoppers rarely scroll to the bottom of the page when looking for a specific item.

As a buyer, you likely know this very well and have done this yourself. You should be mindful of such behavior as a seller.

The Amazon algorithm also rewards high-ranking products, which further improves visibility and conversion rate. Basically, the higher your products rank, the more you can push your sales to the millions.

Now that it’s clear why ranking well on search results is so important, we have all the tips you need for the best possible Amazon SEO performance.

Amazon SEO Tips

How do you get ahead in Amazon search results?

These tips and best practices are simple and easy to implement that even novice entrepreneurs and small businesses can get started:

1. Use Keywords People Actually Search For

What it entails:

Keywords are critical for traditional and Amazon SEO. Consumers use certain words or phrases to look up items they want to buy. Getting them right on your listings will help boost them in the search results.

How it works:

A person looking for a new toaster will go on the Amazon front page and look up the term “oven toaster.” When the search results appear, 20 product listings will be on the first page, with 20 or more pages after that.

Unfortunately, almost half of all shoppers don’t scroll past the second page of search results.

Whether you are a first-party seller, a third-party seller, or you do Amazon arbitrage, you want your items to rank high on search results. Integrating the best and most relevant keyword phrases into your product description and listing will help you get there.

How a seller can implement it:

Research is key in finding the right keywords for each item. Look up your product and take note of everything you see on the first search results page.

When you scroll down, you will find that Amazon has a section for related searches—note those keywords and other short-tail and long-tail phrases relevant to your product. The former refers to generic keywords like “oven toaster” and the latter refers to more specific search terms like “silver pop-up oven toaster with rotisserie at 1500W.” Both types of keywords will be useful in your strategy.

Outcome you can expect:

The goal is for listings to appear on the first or second page of Amazon search results for maximum visibility.

2. Add USPs to Product Title

What it is:

Your product name must catch customers’ attention instantly. It is among the first things they will see of your listing, so it should pique their interest.

Attention-grabbing doesn’t mean quirky or even all that distinctive—it must contain as many relevant details as possible and entice them to click. Emphasize its unique selling points to really catch buyers’ attention.

How it works:

The product title and image are the most prominent elements on Amazon results pages. Shoppers scan down the page and skim through the product titles, which is your chance to grab their attention.

How a seller can implement it:

Each product title must be representative of the item being sold. It should also match the product name that appears on the physical packaging.

The length matters, too, as Amazon suggests using 60 to 80 characters to optimize the title. Use title case instead of all caps and numbers instead of words.

Brush up on Amazon’s product title requirements so your listings don’t get penalized.

Outcome you can expect:

Optimizing product titles means more people will notice your listing and click on it. This significantly increases the chances of conversion.

3. Focus on Benefits and Features in Your Product Description

What it entails:

Once a customer clicks on your attention-grabbing product title, you must entice them further with your product description.

Details are important because they will be the hook that shoppers need to add a product to their carts. They must contain all crucial information about the product in as specific terms as possible.

How it works:

Be as detailed as possible by including the brand name, available colors, dimensions (and packaged dimensions when shipped), material, and more. The product description is critical in Amazon SEO because the platform uses it as a measure of the product’s relevance in search results.

How a seller can implement it:

Even if products are kept at an Amazon FBA or dropshipping facility, sellers must have highly detailed product descriptions, as if they have direct access to them. The platform rewards listings that provide key information relevant to the item, so check Amazon’s criteria to ensure that you meet them.

High-quality descriptions include well-written and detailed information about the product that outlines its uses and physical attributes. You must only use complete sentences, correct grammar, and proper punctuation.

SEO keywords are critical here, but don’t overstuff and avoid repetition. Use synonyms and other relevant terms throughout the listing.

Outcome you can expect:

Shoppers read product descriptions very closely to determine if an item is exactly what they need. For many, it is the key to making them buy something. Sometimes, only by reading the descriptions do they realize how the product can make their lives easier.

4. Provide Bullet Points Emphasizing Product Features

What it entails:

Every product has special features that must be highlighted. Bullet points are the best way to do this.

How it works:

Shoppers may not have the time or energy to read through several paragraphs of product descriptions. Many of them seek out a summary of the product’s features, which are best represented by bullet points.

Each bullet must include critical details that show how the product can address consumer pain points and provide value when purchased.

How a seller can implement it:

Bullets are an important element of Amazon product descriptions and can push shoppers to purchase.

Five bullet points highlighting important product features of the product will suffice. Keep every bullet point brief. Don’t exceed 1,000 characters for all bullet points (200 to 250 characters for each bullet), or it defeats the purpose.

Each point should reinforce details from the product. Use relevant keywords without overstuffing.

Outcome you can expect:

High-quality bullet points will entice shoppers and increase your click-through and conversion rates. They will improve your product listings’ rankings, too.

5. Showcase High-Resolution Images from Various Angles

What it entails:

It is human nature to glance at images on any webpage. This is a general sentiment and not just specific to Amazon. Photos easily grab people’s attention, so using high-quality images on all Amazon product listings is important.

How it works:

Because online shoppers cannot scrutinize products in person, they do their visual evaluation and inspection through photos provided by sellers. With that in mind, you must ensure that potential customers feel like they are actually seeing the product through your photos.

The features listed in the bullet points and main description must be evident in the images. Remember, your product listing must stand out from hundreds or even thousands of competitors. Its visual impact will make a huge difference in pushing conversions.

How a seller can implement it:

Feature multiple images on your product page. Each one must be of high quality and show a different angle of the item. Amazon requires at least one image per listing, while the maximum is ten.

A video that demonstrates the best use of the item will help take the listing to another level. This is as close as a shopper will get to looking at the product in person!

Again, think about your own online shopping habits. Surely, you scrutinize each image as you shop to ensure that you will truly benefit from it.

These visual elements will help stimulate the shopper’s imagination so they can picture the item in their hands as they use it. This is the key to prompting them to click the purchase button.

Amazon images must be a minimum of 1000 pixels on each side, but the higher resolution, the better. The main image must consist of the product taking up at least 85% of it, with a white background. The Amazon algorithm favors listings with multiple images, so make the most of the ten slots provided.

Your choice of images is critical if you’ve chosen to leverage the dropshipping model on Amazon. You will not have firsthand access to your products, so you must acquire the best images from various sources—your supplier, customer reviews, etc.

Outcome you can expect:

People are attracted to beautiful things in real life and online. A clear, high-resolution set of images that demonstrate the product's value and tell a compelling story could be the deciding factor for conversion.

6. Be Purposeful With Pricing and Reprice When Needed

What it entails:

Pricing is a complex matter, and businesses need to get this right. On Amazon, it may be life and death, as there have been reports that the platform penalizes sellers for not providing the appropriate price.

How it works:

Optimize your prices for Amazon SEO. Pricing too low or too high would make products much less competitive, and buyers will do right by you when you get the pricing right. But how?

How a seller can implement it:

Research your competitors and set your prices based on what you see from them. This doesn’t mean you should always go lower than them—it’s all about balance. Look at their price points and calculate how low or high you can go without turning off potential buyers.

Revisit your price points regularly and adjust according to demand and the market. Amazon offers an automatic pricing option that will adjust the price of the product based on competition. It will also bolster your chance of being a Featured Offer, which is a product highlighted by Amazon on its front page. Offer free shipping when you can because it is one of the best ways to entice buyers.

Outcome you can expect:

Optimizing product prices will be good for your Amazon SEO standings and help gain customers. Competitive pricing will maximize your sales and improve consumer trust.

7. Encourage Reviews Through Amazon’s Request a Review Button

What it entails:

According to a survey, 88% of consumers read reviews before deciding to buy a product. After all, they contain first-hand, largely unbiased information about the product and its value.

How it works:

When shoppers browse the product page, they look at the images, descriptions, and reviews. In many cases, predominantly positive reviews convert prospective buyers. As a seller on Amazon, you must encourage buyers to leave a review (and hope it is a glowing one).

How a seller can implement it:

A large number of positive reviews on Amazon will prompt the platform to award you with higher rankings. But first, you must ensure positive reviews are warranted for your products. This means all the items you sell must be high quality, and customer service must be top-notch.

Perfect the product and the process as much as possible before opening your Amazon storefront. This will help you become more confident about your product and brand, and you could easily encourage customers to leave a review after each purchase.

Amazon also has a “Request a Review” button where sellers can manually request reviews for every order within four to 30 days from date of purchase.

Positive reviews are also the best form of marketing on Amazon. It is especially helpful if the customer tells a story about how the product solved their problems.

Outcome you can expect:

Fantastic reviews will improve your sales and serve as important marketing tools to gain more buyers. They will also boost your listing’s Amazon SEO performance and overall ranking.

8. Enhance Backend Optimization By Integrating SEO Keywords

What it entails:

The battle for Amazon rankings doesn’t just happen on the site's front end or what shoppers see. The backend matters, too.

Keywords will play an important role in optimizing the backend of your product page.

How it works:

Product visibility on Amazon is the sum of all factors noted in this article. One of those factors is keywords. But because stuffing in product descriptions is penalized, you need to use other keywords elsewhere.

This is where the backend comes into play. It accommodates keywords that you cannot use on the front end.

How a seller can implement it:

Selling on Amazon has many advantages, but you need a thorough knowledge of the platform to truly leverage its power. Backend keywords are only visible to Amazon sellers. Shoppers will not see them on the product detail page, but Amazon’s algorithm will detect them as part of your product.

You likely already have a comprehensive list of keywords when you researched them for your product description. Various tools can help you find more keywords, too. Anything that you can’t add to your frontend or product detail page, you can add to your backend.

To do this, log in to your Amazon seller account, go to inventory → manage inventory → (listing) → edit. You will be directed to a new page where you can enter your backend keywords on the search terms field.

Outcome you can expect:

The backend is often neglected by sellers with limited knowledge about Amazon SEO. But when you leverage the backend, you will gain so many more product views and visits, which are the first steps to conversion.

Industry Best Practices

Which sellers are doing it right in terms of Amazon SEO?

Big-name brands like Nike, Adidas, Apple, and LEGO continue to be highly ranked and rated on Amazon. This is because they are well-known to millions of shoppers, and they have the resources to perfect Amazon SEO strategies and work with the platform’s algorithms.

But there are sellers that aren’t big brands and have found tremendous success on the platform by leveraging Amazon SEO tips. They have limited or eliminated SEO mistakes that may result in low rankings.


Vizio sells entertainment products, such as TV sets, speakers, and other accessories. The brand is highly rated, and so are its individual products.

Let’s take a look at one of its most popular products: VIZIO 40-inch D-series Full HD 1080p Smart TV with AMD FreeSync, Apple AirPlay and Chromecast Built-in, Alexa Compatibility, D40f-J09, 2022 Model.

The product title already tells you everything you need to know about this TV set. The product detail page features multiple images and infographics clearly showcasing its specifications. There is also a video of the TV’s many features.

Over 2,000 customers have left reviews of the product, which has an average of 4.4 stars out of 5.

Elegant Comfort

Elegant Comfort takes the cake in terms of rankings in the bedding section. One of its products has an almost perfect 5-star rating: Elegant Comfort 3-Piece Winter Lodge-Patch Sherpa Comforter Soft, Cozy and Durable Quality, Heavy Weight Reversible Down Alternative Micro-Suede, Patch Sherpa Comforter, Cal King.

The product title has integrated several terms that a shopper would use to look up bedding: soft, cozy, durable. It also provides specifics: a three-piece set, reversible, and heavy-weight.

When you read the product details, you will see that aside from the California King size, the product is also available in full, queen, and king sizes.


When it comes to cleaning items, O-Cedar is an incredibly popular store on Amazon. One of its mop and bucket cleaners has more than 20,000 reviews with an average rating of 4.5 stars, which is not an easy feat.

One of the store’s product titles is O-Cedar EasyWring RinseClean Microfiber Spin Mop & Bucket Floor Cleaning System, Grey.

It doesn’t use too many keywords, but it has leveraged its reviews and detailed descriptions to garner high rankings and ratings. The listing’s images showcase almost every angle of the product while in use.

To sum up…

When sellers understand the concept of Amazon SEO in their eCommerce content and SEO, they can gain more customers, earn high sales and revenue, and develop a credible brand that would help with longevity in the industry.

It truly helps when the business maps out a comprehensive strategy before launching a store on Amazon. It is also to your advantage to have a great partner that can supply the best products for your business. Check out our SaleHoo directory to get access to over 8,000 product suppliers, and if you need any help on any of the tips mentioned in this article, or need any assistance in general, just contact our 24/7 SaleHoo support staff.


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SaleHoo Group

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