How to Manage a Business

It's not all about fancy business lunches and cashing in those big checks! ? Learn all about those all-important behind the scenes details.
8 Best Practices for Managing eCommerce Returns & Keeping Customers Happy
Managing eCommerce returns effectively is an important aspect of running an online store. As well as keeping customers happy, it helps build trust and protect your store's reputation.
8 Crucial eCommerce Accounting Best Practices for Business Owners in 2024
Accounting for eCommerce is very different from other businesses and even physical brick-and-mortar accounting.
Why do suppliers ask for specific documents before I order?
Has a supplier refused to even give you a quote unless you show them your tax ID? Don't be surprised—it's totally normal.
ePacket - What You Need to Know Before Using It
Dropshipping products from AliExpress is an awesome way for business owners to make huge profit margins on products, especially those looking to start an ecommerce business or online store. However, all of the suppliers on this platform are from China and Hong Kong, so shipping can take weeks and even months (you can use this tool to compare the shipping cost & delivery dates from leading shipping carriers), even with DHL global mail and parcel express options. Not good for customer satisfaction and seller reputation, that’s for sure. However, that all changed when ePacket shipping became an option. ePacket delivery takes less than 30 days, usually more like 7 to 10 days, and is usually free, or costs only a few dollars. There are a few things to think about before you use it as part of your dropshipping business model, though. You should consider ePacket regulations, the lo
Why Don't Suppliers Reply to My Emails? [And How to Fix It!]
Suppliers are very busy people, or at least like to think they are, so you should treat them as such! One big reason suppliers don’t respond to your emails is due to the sheer volume of inquiries they get on a daily basis — many of which aren’t ser
How to Order From a Wholesale Supplier
Placing your first ever wholesale order is an exciting time. If you are up to this stage of the game, it means you have found a great niche and a reputable supplier, and you're about 90% ready to place an order. Well done, you are on the home stretch now, and have just a few more steps to complete before you should go getting out your credit card. We've listed these steps below, checklist-style so you can breeze on through to your supplier's checkout. Get a tax ID (for sellers in the US) Getting a tax ID really isn't as complicated as many retailers out there think! Most suppliers will require you to have one so it's best to get this part sorted ASAP. To apply for a sales tax ID, contact your state tax department. You can do this by Googling "the name of your state + state department" and finding their contact details. Most states will charge a fee for this but
Tax Issues in Drop Shipment
Working in drop shipment in the US can be very lucrative. Even more so if you learn how to maximize the e-commerce side of your entrepreneurial ventures. Part of the appeal is the fact that you have a very large market to cater to. But there is a downside that's common to all businesses in the US: taxes. After all, Benjamin Franklin once said, "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Anyone who lives in the US is aware (and if they're not, they'll surely wish they were) that tax compliance is strictly enforced, and an audit is something to be feared.
Setup a Business in Australia
If you are an Australia-based online retailer, this video lesson is just for you. It details the six steps to registering a business in Australia. Let’s dive in: Step One: Decide on a Business Structure The four main types of business structures commonly used by small businesses are: Sole trader: an individual trading on their own Partnership: an association of people or entities carrying on a business together, but not as a company Trust: an entity that holds property or income for the benefit of others Company: a legal entity separate from its shareholders. Step Two: Decide whether to register in a state or nationwide. You can either register your business on a state-by-state basis, or you can register Australia-wide. Registering in one state is cheaper but if you are going to be doing busine
Guide to Handling Dropshipping Returns
Things are going great!  You’re selling like crazy; those numbers keep going up. You’re so busy answering customer service questions, marketing, and growing your business that you barely have time to breathe. It’s amazing! But then the inevitable happens – one of your customers wants to make a return. Ugh. Returns are enough of a handful when you're selling goods you've got stacked on a pallet in your garage, but how on earth do you handle returns when you're dropshipping and the goods were sent directly to the customer from the supplier? Returns are no fun for any party involved. The customer is upset, you’re upset, and your supplier is upset. However, they are are a crucial part of your business. Handling returns properly can mean the difference between a lifelong customer and an angry one who bashes your company at every ch
4 Simple Techniques to Get the Best Wholesale Prices
Ever wondered why your competitors always seem to be able to sell the same items at a couple of bucks cheaper than you? They must be doing something differently, huh? Yep, that's right, they are getting a better wholesale price which means they can make more sales and make more profit. So how can you get access to those same great wholesale prices? 1. Order in bulk Yes, we understand that it is hard for new sellers to do this as it requires a large investment, but when you can, it really ramps up your sales as you can buy so cheaply per unit, so this is definitely something you should be aiming for. So what exactly is a bulk order? Usually a heavy bulk lot will cost over US$1,000, depending on the items. For example, if you are buying single items which wholesale at around $100 each, then $1,000  won't be considered a bulk order and you won't be getting the very best price possible
eBay Copyright Infringement: What to Do If Your Listing Is Removed
Being one of the world’s largest online marketplaces, eBay has its advantages for sellers. It provides immense exposure, transaction security and more. To keep the site safe and foster trust, eBay enforces a number of rules. One of their policies aims to protect intellectual property owners from copyright, trademark or patent infringement by eBay users. They call this the VeRO program.
5 Lessons You Should Learn From Amazon Customer Service
You don't get to be an enormous e-commerce empire without knowing how to please the people. Amazon customer service is incredibly adept at resolving buyer and seller disputes. But how do they do it? Today's post is a picture perfect snapshot of the best customer relations practices that helped Amazon rise to the top of the online sales heap. Follow these procedures to keep your customers smiling too!
Freelance Economics: Can Outsourcing Expand Your Home-Based Business?
Home-based business opportunities are rewarding, but exhausting. There's just such an enormous amount of work to be done. One person can only wear so many hats. To run a successful business, you have to be your own CEO, CFO, accountant, sales representative, creative director, marketing specialist, copywriter and business analyst — and that's just the tip of the iceberg! Where would society be without the division of labor? Allocating responsibilities to those best suited for the task is an absolute necessity for any business.
How to Get a US Reseller Permit/Resale Certificate (Sales Tax ID)
A reseller's permit (or resale license) is required for US-based sellers in order to avoid paying sales tax on items you are going to resell.To get a reseller's license you first have to enroll with your state tax department, which involves getting a Sales Tax ID number.
PayPal Account Frozen? Get Help Here!
Is your PayPal account frozen? You’re not alone. A simple “paypal account frozen” Google search will show you that tens of thousands of online sellers are facing the exact same thing… ...and it all boils down to PayPal being paranoid that you’re a “fraud risk”. The good news? Your money isn’t about to disappear into cyberspace anytime soon. You can get in touch with PayPal’s Resolution Department to get your account unfrozen; it might take up to a few months, but the majority of online sellers do get their money back eventually! Whilst you’re doing that, be sure to read up on why PayPal freezes accounts in the first place. Once you understand PayPal’s “triggers”, you can steer clear of these in the future, and make sure that you don’t ever get your account frozen again. Let’s jump right in! Common reasons why P
How to Resolve PayPal Payment Holds in 2024
PayPal is one of the most popular payment methods on the web. However, there are a few downsides that correlate with using PayPal. There’s one, in particular, that we’d like to talk about today: payment holds. If you use PayPal, you may know all about this pesky downfall. If not, we’re about to save you time, energy, and hopefully stress. We’re going to shed some light on PayPal's payment holds policy and provide you with a few steps to to avoid payment holds, and how to get your money if you’ve already fallen victim to one. We’ll also explain how you can minimize any negative impact it may have on you, your clients, and your business! Sound good? We thought so, too. Without further ado, let’s dive in. Why Does PayPal Hold Payments? Image Via: Back in January, 2012, eBay changed its policy on payment holds. In a talk with the Times Tribune, work
The eBay Seller’s Guide to PayPal Claims, Disputes, and Chargebacks
There are over 179 million active PayPal accounts around the world. Of eBay’s 90 million users, almost 90% have a PayPal account. eBay even allows users to filter search results based on only displaying sellers who accept PayPal. If you sell on eBay, accepting PayPal is critical to enjoying profits. That very real truth doesn’t sit well with all eBay sellers, as PayPal has earned a less-than-stellar reputation among some merchants—especially when eBay and PayPal appear to favor the buyer when it comes to claims and disputes. In reality, both companies have policies in place to protect both buyers and sellers. When a customer issue arises with a purchase, eBay and PayPal have platforms available to facilitate resolution of the problem between the seller and customer. If a dispute cannot be resolved between the buyer and seller, it can escalate to a chargeba
Importance of Supply Chain Management in Dropshipping
The Internet and the rocking e-commerce market have really opened up business opportunities for anyone with a modicum of computer knowledge and an idea rattling around in the old attic. With wholesalers offering dropshipping opportunities to anyone willing to handle the customer service end of the equation, it isn't even necessary to put up any capital to buy inventory. No one needs to go to business school anymore to make it big in retail. Right? Well… When you're dropshipping as a supplemental, secondary sort of business, you can make do with winging it. Sure, you'll drop the ball a couple of times, but it's not a big deal since you don't depend on the profit. When you're dropshipping as a full-time occupation, however, even on a small scale you'll need to be familiar with something called supply chain management.

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