How to Become an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship sounds rather swanky, doesn't it? But there are a lot more make-or-break details than you might anticipate. Take a look.

How to Better Yourself

Sometimes the biggest obstacle standing in your way is you! These resources are designed to help you towards a healthier and more productive mindset.
When is the Best Time to Quit Your Job? (3 Steps to Take)
If you are like most SaleHoo members, you will want to turn your online retail business into a full time income earner. However, forgoing a steady pay check is a scary thought. So when is the right time to quit your day job and start working for yourself? Below I have outlined a 3 step plan to help you determine when it’s the right time for you to quit your day job. Make sure you check it out before you go making any hasty decisions! Step one: Understand that working for yourself is still working As an online entrepreneur, it’s far too easy for you to dream up a picture in your head about sleeping in, playing with your kids, catching up on day time TV and doing a couple of hours of work per day while earning a full time income. You might be lucky enough to have a business model that will allow this, but in most cases, to generate a good income, you wil
By Simon Slade • 3 min. read
5 Ways to Instantly Increase Productivity When Working From Home
One of the best ways that you can maximize how much you earn from your business is to increase your productivity. Ever since I was a college student, I’ve always calculated the amount that I earned per hour from selling items online. For example, if I made $300 one week for doing five hours work, I would divide $300 by 5 (the number of hours I spent earning that money) to figure out my hourly rate (which would be $60 per hour, in this case. Not bad for a 19 year old student!). Admittedly, one of the main reasons I did this calculation was to make sure that I was always earning more than I could if I chose to do a ‘normal-person’ job to get me through college, like waiting tables. Not only did I have a great time bragging to my dorm mates about how much I was earning (I was 19, cut me some slack), but it also forced me to make sure that I was always productive with the time I spent
By Rhea Bontol • 5 min. read
How to Beat Procrastination and Finally Start Your Online Business
Hey you! Yes, you, lurking around our site, reading all these fabulous blogs, and picking through the supplier directory, but never actually doing anything useful like, oh, I don't know, selling something on eBay! We have set up this amazing and easy-to-use site so that absolutely anyone can learn how to make money online, and that includes you! So, tell me, or at least think about it; why did you join SaleHoo? Were you tired of your boring job, your nagging boss, your early starts, being away from your kids all day, or were you simply looking to make some cash to buy yourself a new car, or go on vacation? Perhaps you have forgotten why you joined SaleHoo altogether? The truth is, we can spoon feed you all the information you need, we can tell you the hottest tips on selling on eBay, and we can give you access to the best suppliers available online (and we do!), but only you can ta
By Simon Slade • 8 min. read

How to Grow your Business

So you've got your business off the ground and are wondering where to go from here? Time to start thinking about some strategies for business growth.
9 Customer Retention Strategies Proven to Bring in Higher Profits (for eCommerce)
One of the best customer retention strategies for eCommerce is creating a personalized customer experience. This means tailoring your offerings to each individual's needs and preferences.
By SaleHoo Group • 13 min. read
10 top PayPal alternatives for eCommerce: A comparison guide
Are you looking for top PayPal alternatives for eCommerce? This is a list of the top 10 payment platforms today. Your online payment system could spell a massive difference in the success of your business.
By SaleHoo Group • 12 min. read
How to Build an Ecommerce Sales Funnel for your Store — A Step-by-Step Guide
So you’ve found some hot products to sell. Your e-commerce store is ready to launch and you have some money for advertising. Maybe you’re thinking your work here is done and you’re ready to sit back and start making sales.Maybe you’re thinking your work here is done and you’re ready to sit back and start making sales.? I hate to be the one to break to you, but… Finding winning products, building an e-commerce store, and throwing some cash at Facebook ads is a good start. But it’s just that — a start.  The hard task — and the part that most aspiring entrepreneurs struggle with — is constantly generating profitable sales from your e-commerce store. Having large numbers of web visitors isn’t a
By Olusola David • 15 min. read

Backoffice: How to Manage a Business

It's not all about fancy business lunches and cashing in those big checks! ? Learn all about those all-important behind the scenes details.
8 Best Practices for Managing eCommerce Returns & Keeping Customers Happy
Managing eCommerce returns effectively is an important aspect of running an online store. As well as keeping customers happy, it helps build trust and protect your store's reputation.
By Rebecca Fox • 10 min. read
8 Crucial eCommerce Accounting Best Practices for Business Owners in 2024
Accounting for eCommerce is very different from other businesses and even physical brick-and-mortar accounting.
By SaleHoo Group • 10 min. read
Why do suppliers ask for specific documents before I order?
Has a supplier refused to even give you a quote unless you show them your tax ID? Don't be surprised—it's totally normal.
By Simon Slade • 6 min. read

eCommerce Business Resources

Work smarter, not harder! Insightful data points, analytics, and tools will make your life so much easier. Find our favourites in this section.
4 Home Business Opportunities That Earn Money Fast!
Earning money from your own home is the new American dream. The white picket fence has been replaced by high speed Internet access, and it's time everyone learned how to supplement their income by developing additional streams of revenue. There are, of course, the traditional method of selling real-world products online (with which you're no doubt familiar), but you might not be aware of how much money you can make selling simple information. You can even leverage an online following to make money advertising the products of others! Today we'll be discussing some of the simplest and easiest ways to get started earning money from the comfort of your couch. Let's get started.
By Simon Slade • 5 min. read
Top 15 eCommerce Training Courses to Boost Your Dropshipping Business (Free & Paid)
E-commerce is booming. Nearly 20% of all retail sales now take place online. If you want to get involved with an exciting, growing industry, e-commerce training is the fastest way to do it. But you need to choose a course that is right for your budget and experience. In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of the 15 best e-commerce training courses in 2024. We’ll also cover the benefits of e-commerce training and what to look for in a course. By the time you finish this guide, you’ll be ready to take the next step. Let’s dive in. Benefits of Taking E-Commerce Training? An e-commerce course is the best way to fast-track your store’s growth and avoid the common mistakes that can derail a new business. Here’s a breakdown of the most common reasons a new business fails: An experienced course instructor can help you overcom
By Simon Slade • 13 min. read
In-depth Courses

Fast-track your success with in-depth eCommerce training from the pros

Learn how to successfully build, launch, and grow your online store with courses taught by world-renowned eCommerce professionals. Exclusive to SaleHoo.
Dropshipping on Shopify

The ultimate guide to building a successful dropshipping store using Shopify. You’ll learn how to choose the right product & supplier, build your store & drive traffic & sales.

Amazon Product Launch

A step-by-step, in-depth guide to launching your first product on Amazon (or any marketplace!) and building a full-time income online in just six days.